Consumer experience trends in healthcare 2023
Press Ganey surveyed 1,000+ consumers to discover the behaviors and preferences driving their healthcare decisions. Download the report for our latest CX research.
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The consumerization and digitalization of healthcare have seen exponential growth in recent history. How people find, decide on, and book appointments with healthcare providers has radically transformed. Where referrals and word of mouth once dominated, digital channels are taking over in every aspect of the journey to care. And that’s helped the industry make huge strides in patient access, while healthcare organizations are seeing massive ROI from an integrated consumer experience (CX) and patient experience (PX) strategy.
We surveyed 1,000 healthcare consumers to identify new trends in CX. Where are they looking for care today? What’s driving consumer trust and patient loyalty? How do they make decisions? Why would they seek care elsewhere? Get our report for the answers to these questions—and much, much more.
Highlights from our report: “Consumer experience trends in healthcare 2023”
- Patients rely on digital sources 3.1x more than provider referrals when looking for a new primary care provider.
- On average, patients read ~5 reviews and visit 2–3 sites before choosing a provider.
- Before booking an appointment, the quality and completeness of a provider’s online profile is the #1 deciding factor. And the leading cause of referral leakage is the availability of relevant and accurate information online.
- Over 60% of consumers prefer to book appointments digitally vs. calling an office on the phone.
- The quality of customer service continues to be the top driver of patient loyalty and 5-star reviews.